December 20, 2022

The Demise of Mark Darwin

Mark Darwin informed followers on Facebook that he intended to end his life on December 18, 2022. Plagued by psychiatric problems and riddled with cancer, Mark Darwin killed himself as announced, leaving bereft the mothers of five of his children, Caz and Steph.  Recognition of accountability, remorse and restitution could have alleviated Mark Darwin's existential angst, but he refused to the end.

In 2014, under the facade of "Truthology" and "Freedom Summits," Mark Darwin was the original founder, charming visionary and promotor of the disastrous land-share venture called Bhula Bhula Intentional Community, now "Nightcap on Minjungbal". 

Soliciting funds to purchase two adjoining properties at Mt Burrell in the Tweed Valley, Mark Darwin snagged twenty investors and drained their life savings into the trust account of Mullumbimby lawyer Wroth Wall, in supposed exchange for co-ownership of the land purchased with these trust funds.

We lost everything when Darwin and his inner circle revealed their true colours. In total, investors who had trusted Mark Darwin were fleeced of over $2.5 million. I lost my inheritance. 

Bhula Bhula Intentional Community, 2015

In an attempt to achieve lawful justice and expose the truth I have been blogging about my experience. As a result, I became Mark Darwin's unrelenting nemesis. I was the actor in his bad dreams, dancing my defence on the tilted stage of injustice in Kangaroo Courts that beat the gavel to the chink of coin and sang to the tune of false narratives.

Since 2015, Darwin's land-share venture has continually expanded. Bhula Bhula was renamed Nightcap Village. Shareholder agreements were made with neighbouring landowner Peter van Lieshout, and for more than eight years, international marketing of the concept has continued to pull in funds from the sale of prospective residential lots on the property that I and others had paid for in 2015, with total failure of fulfilment of Mark Darwin's marketing promises.

Darwin was ousted from his own visionary venture in 2019 over claims of embezzlement, and replaced by the current controllers with celebrity promotors, Don Tolman, Tyler Tolman and Pete Evans, along with sovereignty activists Mark McMurtrie and Max Igan. 

While I commiserate with the families that Darwin left impecunious, I recall that I implored him repeatedly in our private conversations to shed the light of truth on the darkness in his soul by revealing the false narrative used to fleece the asleeple with a bait-n-switch trap. 

It is my conviction that peace of mind and harmonious living cannot be founded on a matrix of lies, especially if it is done under a deceptive banner of "Truthology". 

The partridge utters her voice, 
she gathers eggs which she did not lay; 
so is a man gaining his wealth unjustly; 
in the midst of his days his riches shall leave him, 
and at his latter end he will be a fool.

Read more:

Mark Darwin and Caz
Attractive online façades with changing names and faces conceal a long line of creditors pressing for restitution. Promoted by Mark Darwin, the current lure, “Mt Warning Eco Village” is sold as an exciting opportunity to be part of an up-market “intentional community” dedicated to an alternative lifestyle. The sales pitch sounds smooth, but baited buyers are not warned that habitation is not permissible on the residential sites offered for sale.

Marketing Hopium

Marketing Hopium
Gi Linda responds to malicious attacks by Nightcap Village promotors

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